Boston Gazette prints criticism against the feasting and boisterous merrymaking during pastor's ordination - March 9
In 1509, Martin Luther receives his Bachelor of Bible degree from the University of Erfurt.
320 - (traditional date) Agricola, governor of Armenia, sentences forty soldiers to die on ice for refusing to renounce Christ. They strip off their clothes, saying, “What is death for us but an entrance into eternal life?” More at The Voice of the Martyrs
1509 – Martin Luther receives his Bachelor of Bible degree from the University of Erfurt.
1761 - The Boston Gazette prints criticism against the feasting and boisterous merrymaking that had taken place after the recent ordination of Dr. Cummings to the Old South Church. The criticism was sharpened by the fact that the festivities took place at the home of Dr. Sewall, who had moderated a meeting two years earlier to discourage such ordination revelries.
1948 - Death in Atlanta, Georgia, of hymn writer Civilla Durfee Martin whose many gospel songs include “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power,” “God Will Take Care of You,” and “His Eye Is on the Sparrow.”
1954 - Little known Pentecostal evangelist Tommy Hicks arrives in Argentina and requests a large stadium. Local ministers, who have had little success winning souls, try to dissuade him, saying it is impossible to obtain a large stadium and more impossible to fill it. Hicks insists and can obtain consent from Argentina’s president Juan Perón after healing him of a skin condition. After weeks of healing services in April and May, a larger stadium will be needed to handle the huge crowds. More at The Revival Library
– Source: Christian History Institute