Death of Anglican bishop Reginald Heber in India, writer of 'Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!' - April 3
1418 - At the Council of Constance, Jean Gerson rejects propositions of Matthias Grabow that are intended to suppress the lay spiritual renewal movement called the Brethren of Common Life. Gerson’s defense of the lay brothers ensures they will obtain papal approval.
1528 - Adolf Clarenbach, having preached Reformation ideas in Wesel and Cologne, Germany, is arrested by Catholic authorities in Cologne. He will be sentenced to death.
1593 - George Herbert, one of England's greatest religious poets, is born in Montgomery Castle.
1826 - Death of Anglican bishop Reginald Heber in India. The following year, his hymns will be published posthumously. Among them will be "Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!" and “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains.”
1897 - German pianist and composer Johannes Brahms dies at age 63. Though not employed in an official ecclesiastic position, the devout Lutheran wrote extensively for the church. His German Requiem (1868) is considered by some to be the greatest major sacred choral work of his century.
– Sources: Christian History Institute,