Former Baptist pastor and founder of the Pulpit & Pen blog found guilty of felony embezzlement, fined $15,000
Jordan Daniel "J.D." Hall, a former Baptist pastor and founder of the Pulpit & Pen “discernment” blog, has been ordered to pay more than $15,000 to his former Montana church after being found guilty of felony embezzlement. As part of a deferred sentencing agreement, Hall must report to probation, abstain from drugs and alcohol, and avoid weapons, the Montana Free Press reported.
“It’s with my deepest regret and full admission of my own personal failures, and to be clear, sins, that I have deeply hurt the church I loved and formerly served for so long a time,” Hall wrote in a court-ordered apology to Fellowship Baptist Church in Sydney.
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In 2022, Hall resigned as pastor of Fellowship Baptist and was “disqualified from pastoral ministry” after he was arrested for driving under the influence and carrying a concealed weapon while intoxicated.
Hall said in a 2023 interview with Protestia on YouTube that “being a pastor is an awful existence.” The video has since been removed.
“I don't miss it. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why guys who seem like they just can't get out and go do something else, why they would persist,” said Hall. “Being a pastor, I've said this for a long time, it's an awful existence. It just is.”
Hall is a graduate of Williams Baptist College in Walnut Ridge, Ark., a Southern Baptist institution which is now known as Williams Baptist University.
His defense is "God decreed whatsoever comes to pass"; Calvinism is a cancer that causes David Platts and JD Halls. And lest anyone balk at Platt being a Calvinist, remember the documentary has a guy being so impressed about Platt "went through Romans 8 word for word"; you know that means he went through it injecting Calvinism.