Lifeway Research study indicates fewer churchgoers are inviting guests to church than just a few years earlier
Compared to six years ago, a slightly larger percentage of churchgoers say they haven’t invited anyone to church recently – 33 percent now versus 29 percent in 2017, according to a recent survey by Lifeway Research.
In 2017, 1 in 4 (25 percent) said they’d extended at least three invitations for someone to visit their church in the previous six months. Currently, 20 percent say the same.
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However, the study of U.S. Protestant churchgoers also reveals that 60% of them have extended at least one invitation to a guest in the past six months. This includes 19% who have made one invitation, 21% with two, and 20% with three or more. A third of churchgoers haven't invited anyone to a worship service in the past six months, and 7 percent are unsure of the number of invitations they've made.