William Leddra of Barbadoes becomes the last Quaker executed for his faith in Boston - March 14
Basel passes a law that all Taufer (Anabaptists, etc.) not forsaking their errors be fined.
968 - Death of Matilda of Ringelheim, German queen, and mother of Emperor Otto I. Because she had been charitable and founded monasteries and churches, she will be regarded as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.
1528 - Basel passes a law that all Taufer (Anabaptists, etc) not forsaking their errors be fined £5 and those giving them aid likewise.
1661 - William Leddra of Barbadoes becomes the last Quaker executed for his faith in Boston. Leddra stood at the foot of the tree where he was to be hanged. As his arms were tied he said, "For bearing my testimony for the Lord against deceivers and the deceived, I am brought here to suffer." His final words were, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
1858 - Death of John Mason Peck at Rock Spring, Kentucky, having worn himself out as a frontier circuit rider and Baptist educator.
– Sources: Christian History Institute, Christianity.com