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As a person fascinated by history, I find it stupefying how many people today want to keep politics and religion apart from each other.

If Christ is truly lord and master of all of our life, then he is lord and master over our politics.

I have yet come in contact with any Christian who supports President Trump, who does not also see his flaws. He is very far from perfect, but so is the rest of us sinners who have been saved by grace.

The cost of his Bible does not concern me; no one is being coerced or forced to do so.

But for those who may purchase it, it might lead that person to delve into the story of Jesus Christ.

Much of what I have written here also applies to President Biden, as well. We are commanded by God’s Word to pray for all people who are in position over us.

“Let those who are without sin cast the first stone.”

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